Tuesday 11 December 2012

Page 41- reclaimed

I do quite like the fact Kate found this and blogged it in secret.  I carried it with me to Rumania to a course about Shadow puppetry.  I was thinking I would write thoughts on it for the week but I was to busy and it felt like a funny thing to do.  I did take this picture on my phone over a wall and I'm strangely proud of it.
I ripped the corner off it to wrap 500 Euros in on a visit to a castle but when we got there it was very quite and I felt a bit stupid.  It's the only sheet the surface of which I broke - I'm glad as it would have drawn me into process and I think memory may layer itself onto the world so I'm not sure I was keen to break things down.  I still carry the missing piece in the inside pocket of my jacket - I do this as I am chaotic not as an art act.

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